Outdoor Matters


Climbing Wall Instructor

Climbing Wall Instructors deliver climbing sessions on artificial climbing walls. They can instruct and supervise climbing on bouldering walls, roped climbing walls and auto belays. More information is available on the Mountain Training Website.

There are four stages in the scheme:
  • Attend a two day training course with us.

  • Complete a consolidation period to increase your experience and knowledge.

  • Attend and complete a one day assessment course with us.

  • Continue to stay current and up to date.

And four areas in the syllabus :
  • Technical competence

  • Management and decision making

  • Teaching and learning skills

  • The climbing environment 

Detailed information on each of the above topics can be found in the Climbing Wall Instructor Handbook. We want to give you the best training available and support you through the whole process to assessment, that why we give you a Post Course Pack containing notes and handy tips to help you prepare for assessment.

The bonus to us is when you come on an assessment with us, you'll make our job easy by knowing what you need to know and doing what you need to do - its win-win all round!

CWI Training

Join us to learn the skills you need to instructor climbing indoors.

2024:  June 29-30, Oct 24-25, Nov 30-Dec 1

2025: Jan 25-26, 


CWI  Assessment

Our assessments are delivered in a relaxed and calm way to help you preform at your best.

2024: Sept 13, Nov 29

2025: Jan 17


CWI  Refresher

Bespoke refresher sessions available on request to help you prepare.

£40 (workshop) - £250 (private)